
  • Bath in Nalpamaram Water helps in Skin Protection because It has anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties
  • Water boiled with Nalpamaram attains a light brownish texture, mothers make use of this water for bathing as it would help to reduce pregnancy stretch marks
  • Nalpamara is a group of for trees Athithi(Indian fig tree),Ethi(Mesquite tree),Arayal,(Bodhi tree)Peral(Baniyan tree)
SKU: SS25-NPP-50 Category:
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Used in the treatment of skin diseases with itching such as herpes and dermatitis.

used for treating allergic skin diseases such as ring worm infestation

Used as baby massage oil,to relieve any minor skin conditions

Improves fairness and skin complexion

Weight 0.050 kg
Dimensions 15 × 8 × 15 cm


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